Click News Flash 2

Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 12:30

Who's on First? iLead

The national CTR for the storage industry is 1.2% to 1.4%. iLead typically generates CTR's of 6 to 8%. It is not unusual for clients to experience even 12 to 13% CTR or higher. This translates into explosive market share and Rapid Fill.

Unlike our competitors, we invest your one-time set up fee, with quality and performance. Our highly customized landing site is built in such a way that drives high PPC quality scores from Google. It is also built to enhance ‘Calls not Clicks’.  To our knowledge, no one in the industry does it the iLead way and the cost per click savings goes into your pocket. iLead is: ‘Calls not Clicks’ - Performance on Steroids!